
Zavidia will be a semi-constitutional monarchy located in South America, bordering only Suriname and with a size of approximately 897 km².


The Official State Gazette (B.O.E.) is the official newspaper that publishes the laws, provisions and acts of public powers in Zavidia. It is the official means through which the legal and administrative regulations of the country are made known, including laws, decrees, resolutions, calls, public announcements and other provisions of general interest. The B.O.E. It guarantees transparency and access to information about the decisions and actions of Zavidian government institutions.

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United Micronations Federation

The United Micronations Federation (U.M.F.) is an international organization of micronations created in 2024 with the purpose of serving as a dynamic and enriching meeting point for leaders, citizens, and supporters of the various micronations that comprise it. Its main goals are to facilitate dialogue, collaboration, and cultural exchange between micronations from around the world.

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The Official State Gazette of Zavidia has published an article detailing significant changes in the official representation of the Government in the international arena. The resolution, approved on May 24, 2024, presents significant modifications in the design of the logo and the national coat of arms, as well as in the selection of official languages for their placement abroad.

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National Symbols

The Towers of Hercules have been selected as a tribute to Spain, the country of origin of the project, also evidenced by the arrangement of the shield. In a symbolic gesture, the crowns of the towers, as well as the Spanish crown, have been replaced by the Zavidian crown, with the possibility of modifications to their design in the future. Around the columns you can see the national motto of Zavidia, “De Parvis Grandis Acervus Erit”, which translates as “Great things are nourished by small ones.” It symbolizes the great wealth and advances that the nation is expected to generate. Despite its small start and size. At the same time, displaying one's own motto enhances the autonomy and identity of Zavidia and thus, without ceasing to venerate the Spanish legacy, show a more independent country.

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Infrastructures and Large Projects

Zavidia, in its ambitious path towards integral development, plans to carry out a series of infrastructures and large projects that shape its projection as a modern and prosperous country. The capital, Zavidia, will be chosen as the epicenter of these initiatives, with a wide range of advantages and services located there.

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Zavidia is distinguished by its warm, monsoon climate, providing a vibrant and diverse environment. With pleasant temperatures throughout the year, this emerging country experiences seasons marked by abundant rains and a characteristic tropical climate. The combination of its strategic geographic location and favorable climate creates an environment conducive to biodiversity and outdoor living. Although it is landlocked, Zavidia's climate contributes significantly to its appeal as a unique and welcoming destination, offering picturesque landscapes and a unique atmospheric experience.

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In Zavidia, holidays are significant moments that reflect the cultural diversity and traditions of the developing country. The celebration of festivities, both religious and cultural, is integrated into the national calendar, marking special days of reflection and celebration. These holidays not only offer the opportunity to commemorate deep-rooted traditions, but also to strengthen social cohesion and the sense of national identity in the nation.

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Zavidia prioritizes education as a fundamental pillar for the comprehensive development of its citizens. Starting with the implementation of educational reforms in 2042, education will be mandatory from ages 6 to 16, covering both primary education and Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO). This approach seeks to ensure that all citizens have access to a solid educational foundation that allows them to actively participate in society and thrive in a changing environment.

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A significant number of investors, both companies and individuals, have expressed a strong interest in contributing to the economic development of Zavidia. This diverse group of investors shares a vision of fostering key sectors in the country's economy, from wood and food to renewable energy and sustainable construction. Zavidia is experiencing a significant change in its economic dynamics with the current active participation of 110 investors committed to promoting the country's development. These investors, made up of companies and individuals, play a key role in the execution of strategic projects, although the attraction of between 500 and 2,000 investors is expected, persuaded by confidence in the economic potential and opportunities that Zavidia presents.

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Zavidia's economy is projected as an engine of dynamic growth, with a diversified focus on three fundamental sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary. In the primary sector, significant development is anticipated in agriculture, fishing and other activities related to the sustainable exploitation of natural resources. This solid foundation will contribute to food security and the economic boost of rural areas.

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Security Forces & Bodies

Zavidia's security forces and bodies are the institutes dedicated to protecting the free exercise of rights and freedoms and guaranteeing citizen and national security.

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Foreign Policy

Zavidia, committed to building strong global relationships, has outlined a foreign policy focused on collaboration and mutual assistance. We seek to strengthen ties with Spain, Suriname, and Spanish and Dutch-speaking countries, recognizing the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity.

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In a constantly evolving world, where social, economic, and environmental challenges demand innovative solutions, arises the bold vision to create a new state, a nation that reflects the collective aspiration for prosperity and well-being. The “Zavidia” project stands as an initiative aimed not only at providing a place to reside but a nation where the quality of life flourishes and holistic development is promoted. Inspired by the desire to assist people and build an environment conducive to progress, we embark on the creation of this new entity, where innovation and solidarity will be the foundations of a promising future.

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Armed Forces

The Armed Forces of Zavidia are the entity belonging to the Ministry of Defense that includes the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. In accordance with the Zavidian Constitution, their mission is to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of Zavidia, defend its territorial integrity, the constitutional order, and in extreme cases, maintain security.

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Government of Zavidia

Zavidia's government will be a semi-constitutional monarchy, that is, the head of state is the king, who has limited but varied powers (in the 3 divisions), unlike constitutional or parliamentary monarchies, where the king is a symbol and has very limited powers. The country will in turn have a president and a vice president elected every 4 years by majority in the general votes, with which the number of deputies from each party in congress will be established.The division of powers will be clear and concise to avoid cases of corruption and there will be a supreme court, a senate and a constitutional court with their own specific functions. In addition, there will be multiple ministries, a total of 12, which are:

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The history of Zavidia begins in 2021 when it emerges as a project, focused on the creation of a country, although without a specific name or form initially.

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