Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy

Zavidia, committed to building strong global relationships, has outlined a foreign policy focused on collaboration and mutual assistance. We seek to strengthen ties with Spain, Suriname, and Spanish and Dutch-speaking countries, recognizing the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity.

Our collaboration with Spain is highlighted by our shared historical and cultural connection, while with Suriname, geographical proximity and resource complementarity present opportunities for mutual development and regional stability.

In the Spanish and Dutch-speaking sphere, we promote cultural diplomacy to enrich global dialogue. Grounded in solidarity, Zavidia pledges to be an active player in international initiatives promoting development, peace, and justice, thus contributing to a more cohesive and secure world.

In Zavidia, the highest representative of the state in terms of foreign policy and international diplomacy is the king, while the body responsible for planning, directing, executing, and evaluating foreign policy and international cooperation, with special attention to Spain, the Netherlands, Dutch-speaking countries, and Ibero-America, is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For now, the Kingdom of Zavidia maintains relations with several micronations, leading the United Micronations Federation (UMF). Additionally, it has multiple contacts in local governments in Spain, as well as in the Argentine embassy in Madrid, not to mention the accreditation process for an honorary consul in the United Kingdom.

International Recognition

The Kingdom of Zavidia officially recognises a total of 196 sovereign states, including:

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Republic of Albania

Federal Republic of Germany

Principality of Andorra

Republic of Angola

Antigua and Barbuda

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Argentine Republic

Republic of Armenia

Commonwealth of Australia

Republic of Austria

Republic of Azerbaijan

Commonwealth of the Bahamas

Kingdom of Bahrain

People's Republic of Bangladesh


Kingdom of Belgium


Republic of Belarus

Republic of Benin

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Plurinational State of Bolivia

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Republic of Botswana

Federative Republic of Brazil

State of Brunei Darussalam

Republic of Bulgaria

Burkina Faso

Republic of Burundi

Kingdom of Bhutan

Republic of Cape Verde

Kingdom of Cambodia

Republic of Cameroon


State of Qatar

Central African Republic

Republic of Chad

Czech Republic

Republic of Chile

People's Republic of China

Republic of China

Republic of Cyprus

Republic of Colombia

Union of the Comoros

Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea

Republic of Côte d'Ivoire

Republic of Costa Rica

Republic of Croatia

Republic of Cuba

Kingdom of Denmark

Commonwealth of Dominica

Dominican Republic

Republic of Ecuador

Arab Republic of Egypt

Republic of El Salvador

United Arab Emirates

State of Eritrea

Slovak Republic

Republic of Slovenia

Kingdom of Spain

United States of America

Republic of Estonia

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Republic of the Philippines

Republic of Finland

Republic of Fiji

French Republic

Republic of Gabon

Republic of The Gambia


Republic of Ghana


Hellenic Republic of Greece

Republic of Guatemala

Republic of Guinea

Republic of Guinea-Bissau

Republic of Equatorial Guinea

Cooperative Republic of Guyana

Republic of Haiti

Republic of Honduras


Republic of India

Republic of Indonesia

Republic of Iraq

Islamic Republic of Iran

Republic of Ireland

Republic of Iceland

State of Israel

Italian Republic


State of Japan

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kenya

Kyrgyz Republic

Republic of Kiribati

State of Kuwait

Lao People's Democratic Republic

Kingdom of Lesotho

Republic of Latvia

Lebanese Republic

Republic of Liberia

State of Libya

Principality of Liechtenstein

Republic of Lithuania

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of Madagascar


Republic of Malawi

Republic of Maldives

Republic of Mali

Republic of Malta

Kingdom of Morocco

Republic of the Marshall Islands

Republic of Mauritius

Islamic Republic of Mauritania

United Mexican States

Federated States of Micronesia

Republic of Moldova

Principality of Monaco

Republic of Mongolia


Republic of Mozambique

Republic of Namibia

Republic of Nauru

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Republic of Nicaragua

Republic of the Niger

Federal Republic of Nigeria

Kingdom of Norway

New Zealand

Sultanate of Oman


Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Republic of Palau

State of Palestine

Republic of Panama

Independent State of Papua New Guinea

Republic of Paraguay

Republic of Peru

Republic of Poland

Portuguese Republic

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Republic of Rwanda


Russian Federation

Solomon Islands

Independent State of Samoa

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

Serenissima Republic of San Marino

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Saint Lucia

Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

Republic of Senegal

Republic of Serbia

Republic of the Seychelles

Republic of Sierra Leone

Republic of Singapore

Syrian Arab Republic

Federal Republic of Somalia

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Kingdom of Swaziland

Republic of South Africa

Republic of the Sudan

Republic of South Sudan

Kingdom of Sweden

Swiss Confederation

Republic of Suriname

Kingdom of Thailand

United Republic of Tanzania

Republic of Tajikistan

Democratic Republic of East Timor

Togolese Republic

Kingdom of Tonga

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Tunisian Republic


Republic of Turkey



Republic of Uganda

Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Republic of Uzbekistan

Republic of Vanuatu

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Republic of Yemen

Republic of Djibouti

Republic of Zambia

Republic of Zimbabwe


At the same time, it recognises as Non-Self-Governing States:


American Samoa


As Constituent Countries:


North Ireland




As Special Territories:

Åland Islands

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China


As States Associated with Sovereign States:

Cook Islands

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands


Commonwealth of Puerto Rico


As Special Self-Governing Territories:


Country of Curaçao


Saint Martin


Zavidia does not recognize as states of any kind:

Republic of Abkhazia

Republic of South Ossetia

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Republic of Artsakh

Republic of Somaliland


Zavidia does not recognize as sovereign states, but it does recognize as undefined zones:

Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Transnistria)

Republic of Kosovo

Diplomatic Positions

Zavidia, seeking global peace and stability, plans to adopt a diplomatic stance based on constructive dialogue and peaceful conflict resolution amid current tensions.

In conflict situations, our country advocates respect for the sovereignty of the nations involved and promotes dialogue as the main way to find mutually acceptable solutions.

Rather than taking a partisan position, Zavidia strives to act as an impartial mediator, facilitating negotiations and promoting understanding between warring parties.

Likewise, we see international organizations and multilateral treaties as essential instruments to address political problems, while defending respect for human rights and the rule of law.


In the different tensions and conflicts of today, Zavidia positions itself in the following ways:


Large-scale conflicts:

Gaza-Israel War: Zavidia maintains neutrality, although it disagrees with the bombing of civilians, attacks on the population and massacres carried out by the Israeli army in the strip.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Zavidia maintains neutrality, although it calls for the cessation of hostilities, recognizes Crimea as Russian and maintains the idea of a referendum on self-determination by Russian-controlled regions.

Insurgency and War in the Maghreb, Mali, Burkina Faso, Algeria, Tunisia, Niger, Chad, and countries with lower levels of conflict: Zavidia supports the governments of the affected nations and the nations involved in the war against the insurgency in Africa.

Burma's Internal Conflicts: Zavidia maintains neutrality, although it calls for the cessation of all hostilities in the Karen, Kachin and Kalay conflict, as well as hopes for an end to the Burmese Civil War, which began in 2021 and calls for an end to ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya people.

3rd Sudanese Civil War: Zavidia maintains neutrality in the conflict, although he calls for the cessation of fighting between the RSF/RAF and the Sudanese government, and opts to support Sudan in democratizing if hostilities cease.


Medium-scale conflicts:

2nd Somali Civil War: Zavidia maintains a quasi-neutral position, although it supports a democratic government based in Mogadishu, calls for the cessation of hostilities, stability in the country and a less corrupt government, does not recognize Somaliland, Puntland, or any territorial entity in the area other than the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Ecuador's Security Crisis: Zavidia strongly supports the government of Ecuador in its fight against gangs, organized crime, and political instability.

Mexico's War on Drugs: Zavidia strongly supports the Mexican government against the different cartels and organized crime organizations, as well as calls for a decrease in corruption in Mexican authorities.

Syrian Civil War (Including All International Interventions): Zavidia maintains a neutral position on the Syrian conflict, although it supports the Syrian government in its fight against the insurgency, the Islamic State, rebels, and other organized groups.

Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria: Zavidia supports the governments of Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger and Chad in their fight against the Islamic State and insurgency in Nigeria.

Yemeni Civil War: Zavidia supports the government of the Republic of Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the countries intervening in Yemen in their fight against the Houthis, as well as Al-Qaeda and other conflict groups.

Ethiopian Conflicts: Zavidia supports the Ethiopian government in the Oromo conflict against the OLF and is neutral, although calling for the cessation of hostilities in the Somali-Affari conflict.

Colombia's Internal Conflicts: Zavidia strongly supports the government of Colombia against guerrillas, paramilitary groups, and other criminal organizations.

Kivu War: Zavidia supports the governments of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi in the fight against the insurgency and rebels, calls for a cessation of hostilities, less corruption and respect for human rights.

Haiti's Political Crisis: Zavidia strongly supports the Haitian government in its fight against crime and gangs, and calls for less corruption from the Haitian government itself.

Rebellion of the Allied Democratic Forces: Zavidia supports the governments of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda in their fight against the FDAs, which rebelled against them.

Iraq's Internal Conflicts: Zavidia supports the Iraqi government and foreign troops fighting the Islamic State and the general insurgency in the country.

Khyber Pashtunkhwa War: Zavidia strongly supports the Pakistani government in its fight against the Islamic State and the general insurgency.

Piracy in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa: Zavidia supports merchants and governments around the world in their fight against pirates and Houthis in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa.


Small-Scale Conflicts:

War in Afghanistan: Zavidia maintains neutrality in the conflict, calls for human rights to be respected.

Kashmir conflict: Zavidia maintains neutrality, calls for a cessation of hostilities and respect for human rights.

Insurgency in Northeast India: Zavidia supports the government in its fight against the insurgency.

2nd Central African Civil War: Zavidia remains neutral, calls for respect for human rights.

Communist Insurgency in the Philippines: Zavidia strongly supports the government of the Philippines against the insurgency.

Moro conflict: Zavidia strongly supports the government of the Philippines against Muslim separatists, although it calls for respect for human rights.

Drug War in the Philippines: Zavidia strongly supports the government of the Philippines in its fight against drug trafficking.

Bangladesh Drug War: Zavidia strongly supports the Bangladeshi government in its fight against drug trafficking.

Islamist insurgency in Cabo Delgado: Zavidia strongly supports the governments of Mozambique and Tanzania in their fight against Islamism in the region.

Kurdish separatism in Iran and Turkey: Zavidia remains neutral, calls for agreement and respect for human rights.

Papua Conflict: Zavidia supports the Indonesian government in its fight against the separatism and insurgency of the Free Papua movement.

Western Sahara conflict: Zavidia supports the people of Western Sahara in their struggle against Morocco, as well as calls for a cessation of hostilities and ethnic cleansing carried out by Morocco, calls for a sovereign Sahrawi state and respect for human rights in the area.


Diplomatic Tensions:

Tensions between Morocco and Spain: Zavidia strongly supports the Kingdom of Spain in its tensions with Morocco, both over the Spanish sovereignty of Ceuta, Melilla, the Canary Islands and the surrounding territories, and in the migration crisis from North Africa to Spain. Zavidia calls for a more effective fiscal policy from Spain, as well as less corruption and a higher diplomatic status vis-à-vis Morocco.

Tensions between Algeria and Morocco: Zavidia supports Algeria in the tensions, although he calls for an agreement to be reached and to avoid armed conflicts.

 Catalan, Basque and Galician Independence: Zavidia strongly supports the Kingdom of Spain in its tensions with the separatist movements of Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia, as well as rejects their ideals, calls for a more effective policy against the separatists and greater order on the issue.

Tensions between Spain and the United Kingdom (Gibraltar): Zavidia supports the Kingdom of Spain on the issue, calls on the United Kingdom to partially or totally abandon the Rock of Gibraltar.

Tensions between Argentina and the United Kingdom (Falkland Islands): Zavidia supports the Argentine Republic in the conflict and calls on the United Kingdom to leave the islands.

Tensions between Ireland and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland): Zavidia maintains a neutral position on the issue.

Tensions between China and Taiwan: Zavidia has a neutral position, calling for both states to de-escalate their tensions and for two different states to exist, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China.

Korean Conflict: Zavidia has a neutral pro-Western position, calling for both states to coexist. (North and South Korea)

Occupation of Tigri: Zavidia strongly supports the Republic of Suriname in the Tigri region, calls for Guyana to withdraw defense forces and hand over territory back to Suriname.

Essequibo conflict: Zavidia maintains a neutral position, although it asks for international collaboration from Venezuela and Guyana in the Essequibo area to reach an agreement without entering into conflict.

Occupation of the Golan Heights: Zavidia maintains a neutral position, although it calls on Israel to return the Golan Heights to Syria and withdraw troops from the area.

Internal U.S. Conflicts: Zavidia maintains a neutral position, calling on the U.S. central government to reach an agreement with the Texas government and the states that support it to reach a better level of relations.

Transnistrian conflict: Zavidia has a neutral position in the conflict, although he calls for an agreement to be reached in the area.

Tensions between NATO and CSTO: Zavidia maintains a neutral position, but supports NATO.

Kosovo conflict: Zavidia supports Serbia in its claim to Kosovo.

Tensions between Ethiopia and Egypt: Zavidia maintains a neutral position in the conflict.

Tensions between Muslims and Israel: Zavidia maintains a neutrality in the conflict, although he supports Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and their allies in some of their statements against Israel, he also calls for the return of the Golan Heights by Israel and the departure of Israeli troops from the West Bank.

Tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan: Zavidia maintains a quasi-neutral position, although he supports Azerbaijan in tensions over Nagorno-Karabaraj. It calls for respect for human rights.


Diplomatic Relations

As part of its projection and future growth, the Kingdom of Zavidia seeks to create and maintain diplomatic relations with accredited governments and organizations worldwide. Among these are:

1. Local Governments in Spain

The Kingdom of Zavidia has established solid connections with local governments in Spain. In particular, we have a large number of contacts within the Trade Association of a nearby locality, which encompasses more than 200 businesses of various types. This connection has facilitated the exchange of ideas and resources, promoting the development of Zavidia and the growth of our team in multiple ways.

Additionally, Zavidia maintains close contact with a relevant local political party, which has opened channels of dialogue and the acquisition of new ideas. These relationships are complemented by our access to several councilors, with whom we have held fruitful discussions to advance Zavidian projects, thereby consolidating our influence and presence in the region.

2. Consulate in the United Kingdom

The Kingdom of Zavidia is currently in the process of accrediting an Honorary Consul in the United Kingdom. This consul is part of a diplomatic family with a distinguished history as consuls and representatives in the United Kingdom, ensuring a high level of experience and professionalism in representing Zavidia's interests in the country.

This initiative aims not only to formalize our presence in the United Kingdom but also to deepen bilateral relations in key areas such as trade, culture, and international cooperation with both micronations and local governments in the archipelago.

3. Contacts at the Argentinian Embassy in Madrid.

The Kingdom of Zavidia has had numerous accredited contacts at the Argentine Embassy in Madrid for years. These contacts could be instrumental in strengthening our diplomatic ties and facilitating cultural and commercial exchanges between Zavidia and Argentina in the future. For now, they are valuable in developing institutions and various sectors of the project.

Cooperation and International Aid

Zavidia's International Cooperation and Aid policy is focused on helping to improve and encourage peace, economy, culture and population around the world. In relation to this approach, Zavidia maintains open campaigns such as “Reborn Spain”, aimed at addressing the problem of an emptied Spain through the repopulation of abandoned towns and those in the process of abandonment. This not only seeks to revitalize communities, but also contribute to the economic and social flourishing of the affected regions, working closely with local authorities and civil society.

Zavidia also has two ambitious campaigns that seek to strengthen the economy and global collaboration: FinanMax and Group II.

FinanMax, an initiative aimed at grouping and financing various companies and investors from around the world, has the objective of helping anyone in the world to undertake and invest, creating their own businesses and attracting those already created, in a future, designed to help to stimulate economic growth in Zavidia.

This project facilitates the association of capital, promoting investment both nationally and internationally, and thus generating an environment conducive to business development.

On the other hand, Group II represents a complementary strategy to FinanMax. This project seeks to join forces with international companies and actors to foster collaboration. Group II, like FinanMax, reflects Zavidia's commitment to global cooperation and the search for solutions to economic and social challenges.

Both projects will be essential pillars in the creation of the future Zavidia to consolidate its position on the international scene, attracting investments, promoting strategic alliances and contributing to economic development.

Furthermore, Zavidia has the vision to invest in future projects in various strategic locations. Especially in needy areas. Future investments are also being considered in Spain, Latin America, the Caribbean and its small nations and in Suriname, always seeking economic support for the investment areas and the increase of diplomatic relations with them.

Aid to micronations around the world also stands out, with the Federation of United Micronations coming into play, led by our country, which plays a key role in promoting cooperation and development among micronations.

This organization brings together and supports diverse micronations, facilitating the exchange of resources, knowledge and experiences to strengthen and grow their communities.



The Kingdom of Zavidia maintains active conversations, treaties, and diplomatic relations with various realistic micronations around the world.

Additionally, Zavidia leads the United Micronations Federation (UMF), an organization dedicated to promoting collaboration and mutual assistance among micronations globally.

Micronations with which Zavidia maintains formal diplomatic relations or treaties:

1. Republic of Euzerro.
2. Oligarchic State of Curnon.
3. Kingdom of Pantonia.
4. Kingdom of Norgaardia.
5. Commonwealth of Novo-Erecteutolectrocia.
6. Kingdom of Cnoctalla.
7. Empire of Anem.
8. Grand Duchy of Pengua.
9. Tribe of the Markomanas.


Micronations with which Zavidia maintains semiformal diplomatic relations:

1. State of Samizdat

Micronations with which Zavidia maintains conversations and/or negotiations without formal agreements:

1. Empire of Friedensburg. (Kaiserreich)
2. Kingdom of Hokoria.
3. Empire of Aeternia.
4. Union of Januaritania.
5. Principality of Zakistan.
6. Republic of Mabruenia.
7. Second Empire of Forestria.
8. Enclave Empire.
9. Republic of Hersatia.

International Agreements

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