Government of Zavidia

Zavidian Government

Zavidia's government will be a semi-constitutional monarchy, that is, the head of state is the king, who has limited but varied powers (in the 3 divisions), unlike constitutional or parliamentary monarchies, where the king is a symbol and has very limited powers. The country will in turn have a president and a vice president elected every 4 years by majority in the general votes, with which the number of deputies from each party in congress will be established.

The division of powers will be clear and concise to avoid cases of corruption and there will be a supreme court, a senate and a constitutional court with their own specific functions. In addition, there will be multiple ministries, a total of 12, which are:

Ministry of Education and Professional Formation

The Ministry of Education, Professional Formation (MEFP) of Zavidia is the department of the General Administration of the State in charge of proposing and executing the National Government's policy on educational and vocational training matters. Currently, this covers all teachings in the educational system, except for university education, which is the responsibility of the Ministry of Industries and Innovation.

Ministry of Economy, Treasury and Finances

The Ministry of Economy, Treasury and Finance (MINECOHF) of Zavidia is the department of the General Administration of the State that is responsible for the proposal, coordination and execution of the policy of the Government of the Nation in economic matters, support for companies and of reforms to improve potential growth and the necessary dialogue on these matters, as well as telecommunications policy and digital transformation, in particular promoting the digitalization of Public Administrations. It is also responsible for the proposal and execution of the policy of the Zavidia Government in matters of public finance, budgets and expenditures and public companies, in addition to the rest of the powers and powers conferred on it by the legal system.

Likewise, this Ministry is responsible for the application and management of the provincial and local financing systems and the provision of information on the economic-financial activity of the different Public Administrations, as well as the strategy, coordination and regulations regarding public procurement.​
As the most responsible for economic policy, it is also the ministry in charge of the proper functioning of the Government Delegated Commission for Economic Affairs (CDGAE), a collegiate body of the Government in charge of guaranteeing the full coordination and coherence of the policies of the different ministerial departments with the criteria of economic policy. The head of the department serves as president, while the Secretary of State for the Economy assumes the secretariat.

Ministry of Defence

The Ministry of Defense (MINDEF) of Zavidia is the department of the General Administration of the State that is responsible for the preparation, development and execution of the defense policy determined by the Government of the Nation and the management of the military administration.​ In this sense, it is the department of the executive branch that supervises the Armed Forces. He is also the top director of the Civil Guard.

Ministry of Industries and Innovation

The Ministry of Industries and Innovation (MII) is the department of the General Administration of the State with powers in the proposal and execution of the policy of the Government of the Nation in matters of industry, science, technological development and innovation in all sectors, including scientific research, as well as the rest of the competencies and powers conferred on it by the legal system. It is also responsible for university and tourism policy which covers, among other aspects, industrial and small and medium-sized enterprise development, the promotion and defence of industrial property, as well as tourism policy.

The Ministry of Industry and Innovation, together with the Ministry of Defence, has an important presence in the military industry, since it regularly grants loans to the Ministry of Defence, public organizations, and public and private companies to promote this industry and the carrying out military projects.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Nutrition

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Nutrition (MAPA) of Zavidia is the department of the General Administration of the State responsible for the proposal and execution of the policy of the Government of Spain regarding agricultural, livestock and fishing resources, the agri-food industry, rural and food development.​

MAPA is responsible for preparing state legislation on agricultural, fishing and food matters; the proposal and execution of the Government's general guidelines on agricultural, fisheries and food policy; the representation of the State in the international organizations corresponding to these matters, without prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice (MJUS) of Zavidia is the department of the General Administration of the State with powers over the development of the legal system and relations with the Administration of Justice. It is also responsible for coordinating matters of constitutional relevance and preparing, developing and monitoring the Government's legislative program.

Ministry of Culture and Sports

The Ministry of Culture and Sports (MINISCUDE) of Zavidia is the department of the General Administration of the State responsible for the proposal and execution of the policy of the Government of the Nation regarding the promotion, protection and dissemination of the Zavidian historical heritage and museums. state and arts, books, reading and literary creation, cinematographic and audiovisual activities and books, libraries and state archives, as well as the promotion and dissemination of Zavidian culture, the promotion of cooperation actions cultural and, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international relations in matters of culture.​

Ministry of Interior

The Ministry of Interior (MIR) of Zavidia is the department of the General Administration of the State that is responsible for the proposal and execution of the policy of the Government of the Nation in matters of citizen security; the promotion of conditions for the exercise of fundamental rights; the superior command and the direction and coordination of the State Security Forces and Bodies; the powers entrusted to it by legislation on private security and immigration; the international protection regime for refugees, the regime for stateless persons and the protection of displaced persons; the administration and regime of penitentiary institutions; carrying out the necessary actions for the development of the electoral processes; the exercise of powers over civil protection, and those attributed to traffic, road safety and sustainable mobility.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINEX) of Zavidia is the department of the General Administration of the State in charge of planning, directing, executing and evaluating foreign policy and international cooperation policy, with special attention to Spain, the Netherlands, the Caribbean, Dutch-speaking and Latin American, as well as coordinating and supervising all the actions carried out in these areas by the remaining departments and public administrations.

Likewise, it is responsible for promoting international economic, cultural and scientific relations; participate, in its own sphere of action, in the proposal and application of immigration and immigration policies; promote cross-border and interterritorial cooperation; protect Zavidians abroad; and prepare, negotiate and process international treaties where Zavidia is a part.

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure

The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MTI) of Zavidia is the department of the General Administration of the State in charge of proposing and executing the policy of the Government of the Nation in the areas of infrastructure, land, air and maritime transport, state competence and the control, organization and administrative regulation of the corresponding transport services, in order to guarantee safe and sustainable mobility, based on criteria of social justice; to promote sustainable mobility, in its social, economic and environmental dimension, including the promotion of active mobility.

Likewise, it is responsible for access to housing, urban and land policies and architecture, within the scope of the powers of the General Administration of the State, for the regulatory organization of postal services, for the promotion and direction of state services. Relating to astronomy, geodesy, geophysics and cartography; and the planning and programming of investments related to the infrastructure, materials and services mentioned.

Ministry of Labour and Security

The Ministry of Labour and Security (MITS) of Zavidia is the department of the General State Administration that assumes the proposal and execution of the National Government's policy on employment, labour relations, and corporate social responsibility.

In addition to labour responsibilities, it also has responsibilities on security and social protection, immigration policy and, occasionally, on health, commerce, industry and justice.

Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health (MISAN) of Zavidia is the department of the General Administration of the State that assumes the proposal and execution of the policy of the Government of the Nation in matters of health, planning and healthcare, as well as the exercise of powers of the Administration to ensure citizens' right to health protection.

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