
Satellite Map of Zavidia y Suriname

Physical Map from Zavidia y Suriname


Zavidia is organized into two provinces, which are divided into 6 regions consisting of localities.


The provinces will be subject to the central government regarding much of domestic policy, foreign policy, the military, finances, and others.

The provinces may have provincial statutes, which will recognize them as a territorial division and grant them their own competencies in predetermined areas.


1. Zavidia 

Following a Slavic analysis, it can be interpreted as “Place Beyond Sight”. Using “Za-” for “beyond”, “vid” for “sight”, and “-ia” for “place”. Suggesting that it is beyond the visible or what can be seen.
However, the most accepted meaning is “Territory of Vision”. Following Latin, where “vid” would mean “vision” or “life” and “-ia” would mean “territory”, thus signifying a visionary land, where an enterprise can advance or where it has been planned to be established, a vision for the future. A better place.

2. Kantás 

In African languages, especially in the influences brought by slaves to Suriname, “Kan-” could derive from terms related to people or community, as happens in Bantu or Yoruba languages, where “Ka” or “Kan” is linked to communities.


1. Kawina ⇨

Inspired by the indigenous languages of Suriname, particularly the Sranan Tongo language, coming from the original expression “Cawina”, which can be interpreted as “Land of Refuge”, “Land of Freedom” or “Land of the Forests”.

2. Pedria ⇨

It could be defined from the Latin “petrus”, meaning “stone”. The suffix “-ia” indicates a place or belonging. At the same time, it has a symbolic meaning with “Peter”, the apostle whom Jesus called the builder of his church, symbolizing the place where the capital will be established, and where the project will begin to be set up initially. It can also be associated with “Land of Stones”, as it is the only mountainous (with elevations) region, in Zavidia.

3. Dalbana 

It refers to the river of the same name, which runs through Zavidia, with most of it crossing through the region.

4. Utrecia ⇨

Utrecia also derives from water, as it is the last region of Zavidia that the Dalbana River crosses before continuing its course to Avanavero. Its literal meaning is “Land of Wineskins” or “Place of Recipients”.

5. Enora ⇨

The meaning of Enora comes from “En”, which means “In” or “Within”, although it has been associated with “Place”. And “Ora”, which could be related to clarity, beauty, or openness. Thus, it could mean “Bright Land”, “Place of Clarity”, or “Place of Hope”. In this region, the second capital of Zavidia, Gadama, will be located.

6. Betehani ⇨

This time inspired by the Arawak language, an indigenous language still influential in the Suriname region. In some variations, the root “Bete” could refer to something related to “land” or “soil”, especially in contexts of plains or low-lying areas.

“-Hani” could be associated with the Kali'na (Carib) languages, spoken in parts of Suriname. In Zavidia, Betehani will have an approximate meaning of “Land of Calm” or “Quiet Place”.

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