Security Forces & Bodies

Security Forces & Bodies

Zavidia's security forces and bodies are the institutes dedicated to protecting the free exercise of rights and freedoms and guaranteeing citizen and national security.

National Guard

National Guard

The National Guard (GN) is a Zavidian armed institute and one of the two national security forces, along with the National Police Corps. As a gendarmerie, it has a military nature and performs, among others, police functions, depending on the Ministries of the Interior and Defense.

Branches and Specializations

Citizen Security

It is the standard body, they carry out patrols on foot and by car, surveillance of towns and isolated houses and urbanizations, surveillance of roads where the Traffic Group is not present, escorts of explosives and maintenance of public order at cultural and social events and sports.

Nature Protection Service

Also known as Seprona, their main function is to protect the environment, collaborate in the prevention and extinction of fires, we control the pollution of rivers and forests, surveillance of hunters and fishermen, surveillance so that people and industries do not cause harm to animals, nor spoil natural spaces.

Traffic Group

They have the function of reporting crimes and infractions against road traffic. Assistance to users on public roads, surveillance of the transport of goods by road, control and regulation of traffic in conflict points. Creation of reports (attestations) in case of accidents, so that the authorities can know what really happened.

Special Intervention Service (S.E.I.)

Elite group to act in the most difficult and risky situations. Detention of terrorists in their hideouts, entry into hijacked planes, resolution of prison riots and rescue of hostages and kidnapped people...

Judicial Service

Similar to detectives, they are in charge of collaborating with judges in solving crimes. Investigation of criminal acts, collection and examination of all signs and traces left by the criminal (fingerprints, casings and cartridges, footprints...) to identify him and make his arrest possible.

Explosives and NRBQ Defense Service

Dedicated to the detection and deactivation of explosives as well as the management of dangerous substances.

Arms Control Department

Dedicated to the manufacture and repair of weapons, tracking of regulatory weapons, prevention of illegal weapons trafficking and controlling any activity involving explosives, pyrotechnics or cartridges.

Air Service

Only agents under thirty years of age can join as pilots. In addition, you have to pass some extra tests to access. In charge of any aerial activity: evacuation of the injured, rescue in high mountains, participation in citizen security from the sky, etc.

Border Service

Monitor borders and customs to prevent and avoid smuggling. It is about ensuring that nothing illegal leaves or enters the country or that has not paid the corresponding taxes.

Prosecution of drug-related crimes, that is, they try to locate traffickers before they sell these dangerous substances.

Reserve and Security Division

Responsible for several missions: assist rescue teams in the event of a disaster, collaborate in extinguishing fires, prevent and maintain public safety, protect public buildings and personalities and intervene in dangerous situations, such as the arrest of groups of criminals or in uncontrolled violent demonstrations.

Cynological Service

Use of Canine Units, drug detectors, explosive detectors, tobacco detectors, avalanche accident detectors, missing persons in disasters, security.

Nautical Service

Responsible for controlling rivers, lakes, assisting people and different nautical activities, they are responsible for protecting and monitoring the sites where nautical or underwater competitions are held. In the same way, they recover vehicles, corpses or other objects from the bottom of rivers and swamps. In addition, they check the hulls of the boats so that no foreign objects are attached to them and carry out demolitions when necessary.

Ranks and Ladder

General Officers

General Lieutenant

Division General

Brigade General



Lieutenant Colonel





Non-Commissioned Officers

Chief Petty Officer

Second Lieutenant


First Sergeant


First Link of Command Jobs/Categories.

Major Corporal

First Corporal



First Class Guard (It is not a job or rank but a military distinction)

Civil Guard

Body Badges

National Police

National Police

The National Police Corps (CNP), also known as the National Police, is a Zavidian armed institute with a civil nature, dependent on the Ministry of the Interior, mainly responsible for police surveillance of all provincial capitals and urban centers as well as the places the Government determines. It is one of the two national security forces, along with the Civil Guard.