

Zavidia's economy is projected as an engine of dynamic growth, with a diversified focus on three fundamental sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary. In the primary sector, significant development is anticipated in agriculture, fishing and other activities related to the sustainable exploitation of natural resources. This solid foundation will contribute to food security and the economic boost of rural areas.

The secondary sector will experience a boom with the implementation of industrial and manufacturing projects, promoting local production and generating employment. Investment in technology and sustainability will be a priority, seeking not only economic growth, but also respect for the environment and efficiency in the use of resources.

In the tertiary sector, significant growth is expected in services, including tourism, education, health and information technology. Zavidia seeks to become an attractive destination for investments in these fields, leveraging its focus on innovation and quality of life.

The implementation of projects such as FinanMax and Agrupe II as well as future initiatives, which bring together investors and companies globally, will accelerate the economic development of Zavidia. Furthermore, the choice to temporarily use the currency of Suriname or Spain reflects a pragmatic strategy to facilitate commercial and financial transactions, before the introduction of the Zavidian Crown, a currency of its own that is planned to be put into circulation in the future.

The country's economy will be based on goods and services, especially national ones, since it will try to be a self-sufficient country, importing of course, but producing most of the possible products nationally.

With these elements, Zavidia's economy is emerging as an efficient, sustainable and innovative growth model, promoting diversification and global collaboration to build a prosperous and resilient economic future.

Primary Sector

Secondary Sector

Zavidia's secondary sector is emerging as a dynamic amalgamation of economic activities spanning a wide variety of strategic industries. Among the key sectors that will drive economic development are:

1. Wood Sector:

- Zavidia is committed to managing its forest resources sustainably and effectively, promoting the wood industry.

- Investments in modern technologies for wood processing, generating high quality and added value products.

2. Alimentary Sector:

- Promotion of agriculture and local production to supply the food industry.

- Attracting investments in food processing, promoting the diversification of the supply and export of agri-food products.

3. Energy Sector:

- Zavidia is strongly committed to renewable energy sources, solar, biomass and hydraulic energy as fundamental pillars.

- Investments in clean technologies and research projects to optimize the efficiency of national energy generation.

4. Real Estate and Construction Sector:

- A boom is expected in the real estate sector with construction projects that include housing, infrastructure and sustainable efficient urban developments.

- Investors and builders will participate in the design and development of modern and effective communities.

5. Transport Sector:

- Boosting connectivity through investments in transportation infrastructure, both land and water.

- Development of efficient and sustainable transport systems, aiming at improving mobility and logistics.

The implementation of these sectors will be supported by the arrival of both national and international companies and investors. It is estimated that between 500 and 2,500 companies and individuals will invest and move to Zavidia, attracting talent, technology and capital necessary for economic growth. In addition, investments from Suriname will further strengthen regional collaboration, promoting trade exchanges and economic synergies between the two countries. With this approach, Zavidia aims to build a robust and diversified secondary sector that contributes significantly to its economic development and long-term sustainability.

Tertiary Sector

The tertiary sector in Zavidia is distinguished by its focus on innovative and quality services, covering areas such as tourism, education, health and information technology. Zavidia aspires to become an attractive destination for investments in these fields, promoting initiatives that encourage economic growth and improve quality of life.

It seeks to develop a robust educational and health care system, as well as promote sustainable tourism to highlight the cultural and natural wealth of the country. In addition, Zavidia prioritizes the implementation of information technologies to improve the efficiency of services and promote innovation in all areas of the tertiary sector. With this vision, Zavidia seeks to position itself as a leading player in the regional service economy, contributing to the economic development of the country.

Vertical Unionism

At Zavidia, Vertical Unionism will operate as a union model that will respect the autonomy of unions and guarantee free collective bargaining between employers and workers. According to what is established in the Constitution, in particular in article 28.3, the State has the power to intervene in negotiations between companies and unions when necessary to reach an equitable agreement.

These interventions will be carried out in an impartial and effective manner, always prioritizing justice, common sense and effectiveness in the resolution of labor disputes. The objective is to promote good labor relations and guarantee fair working conditions for all workers in Zavidia, thus avoiding a large part of the strikes and union demonstrations that may arise.