

Project "Zavidia"

In a constantly evolving world, where social, economic, and environmental challenges demand innovative solutions, arises the bold vision to create a new state, a nation that reflects the collective aspiration for prosperity and well-being. The “Zavidia” project stands as an initiative aimed not only at providing a place to reside but a nation where the quality of life flourishes and holistic development is promoted. Inspired by the desire to assist people and build an environment conducive to progress, we embark on the creation of this new entity, where innovation and solidarity will be the foundations of a promising future.

The Kingdom of Zavidia will be gestated with the firm conviction to prioritize the well-being of its inhabitants. In the economic sphere, policies will be implemented to foster innovation and prosperity, promoting sustainable growth and the generation of opportunities, boosting industry and trade through investments from thousands of companies, with a significant and effective primary sector and job opportunities for everyone, expecting to attract tourists and workers from all over the globe, especially from Latin America, Spain, Suriname, and Dutch-speaking countries. Likewise, there is an intention to assist small, medium, and large companies to establish themselves in the country and increase their income and functions, making them more useful and generating profits and jobs at the same time.

The creation of an accessible and advanced educational system will be essential to develop necessary skills in the current era, facilitating access to information and promoting continuous, public, and quality training.

Zavidia will actively commit to environmental sustainability, adopting clean technologies such as solar, hydraulic, or wind power, aiding the environment and striving for technological innovation.

Furthermore, citizen participation will be encouraged through democratic mechanisms that allow the population to contribute actively to decision-making. Dialogue and governmental transparency will be essential pillars to build a cohesive society committed to the common good, with controls against corruption in any form and effective and prepared security forces.

Zavidia will be more than a state; it will be a kingdom where solidarity, respect, and empathy will be the foundations of coexistence. This project is not only about creating a country but about forging a place where people can find the best version of themselves, a refuge where life is lived to the fullest and constantly enriched.

Project "Reborn Spain"

In the heart of the Iberian Peninsula lies a challenge that calls us to action: the Depopulated Spain, regions that have experienced a constant loss of population, leaving behind beautiful but uninhabited landscapes. Faced with this reality, the “Reborn Spain” initiative emerges strongly, a project dedicated to the repopulation of Depopulated Spain. This call to action seeks not only to reverse depopulation, but also to revitalize these lands with the energy and vitality of new communities willing to build a promising future. In “Reborn Spain,” we find the opportunity to forge bonds, reactivate local economies, and bring life back to places that have been silent witnesses to migration and abandonment.


The “Reborn Spain” project is based on a comprehensive strategy that addresses the challenges of depopulation from various angles. First, an incentive program will be established to encourage the arrival of new residents, offering job opportunities, affordable housing, and quality public services. This approach aims to attract not only those seeking to escape urban congestion, but also entrepreneurs and professionals willing to contribute to the rebirth of these lands.

Economic revitalization will be a priority, promoting sustainable agriculture, responsible tourism, and the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Diversifying economic activities will not only generate employment but also rescue the traditions and cultural identity of these regions.

Investment in infrastructure will be crucial to improve connectivity and quality of life. Digitalization of services, improving communications, and access to education and healthcare will be central aspects to ensure equitable and sustainable development in these territories.


“Reborn Spain” will also promote citizen participation, involving local communities in decision-making and empowering them to be protagonists of their own rebirth. Integration and training programs will be established to promote social cohesion and collaboration between new and existing inhabitants of Depopulated Spain.

In summary, “Reborn Spain” is a call to action that goes beyond repopulation; it is a commitment to the revitalization of a Spain that deserves to flourish again. With vision, collective effort, and active participation from all, we can transform Depopulated Spain into a vibrant mosaic of communities full of life, opportunities, and hope.

Projects "FinanMax" and "Group II"

In an interconnected and dynamic world, small, medium, and large businesses play an essential role in shaping the global economic landscape. Recognizing the importance of collaboration and business solidarity, the “FinanMax” project and its successor, “Group II,” emerge with strength. These ambitious projects aim to unite forces among companies worldwide, regardless of their size, to create a solid network of mutual support. In this partnership, companies will not only benefit each other but will also actively contribute to the development of the Zavidia project, an innovative state seeking to redefine standards of quality of life and sustainability. “Group II” stands as a collaborative platform where the success of each company becomes a fundamental pillar for collective advancement.


The Group II project is based on the principle that collaboration and mutual support are key elements for business success. Initially, a platform will be established to facilitate connections among small, medium, and large companies from various industries and geographies. This virtual space will serve as a global marketplace where companies can share resources, knowledge, and experiences to mutually strengthen themselves.

One of the most prominent facets of FinanMax and Group II will be the development of mentoring programs, where experienced companies will provide guidance and support to those in earlier stages of their development. This initiative aims to drive innovation and facilitate the sustainable growth of participating companies.

In parallel, strategic alliances among associated companies will be promoted, encouraging the creation of joint projects, the search for innovative solutions, and the diversification of their operations. The diversity of skills and resources present in the Rojemon S.A. and Zavidia network will allow for a synergy that goes beyond conventional boundaries, enhancing business success and job creation.


In addition to companies, the projects aim to increase, improve, and foster the economies of micronations worldwide to create economic spheres that can develop both independently and in collaboration with others.


Furthermore, Group II will urge its participants to invest in and support the Zavidia project. This collaboration will not only consolidate the development of the new state but will also provide associated companies with the opportunity to be part of an innovative and sustainable project, generating economic and reputational benefits.

The “FinanMax” and “Group II” projects emerge as beacons of cooperation and shared growth, where companies become catalysts for change. As we move towards a more interconnected future, business collaboration not only reveals itself as a necessity, but also as an opportunity to achieve higher levels of prosperity and sustainability on a global scale.

Other Projects

In addition to the main projects mentioned above, the Zavidia and Rojemon S.A. team and government are working on and developing several separate projects without a defined form. They will be added to the page as they are established.

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