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Zavidia updates its international representation

The Official State Gazette of Zavidia has announced today significant changes in the international representation of the Government, including a new blue background, a white shield, and the inclusion of the official languages, Spanish and Dutch.

The Official State Gazette of Zavidia has published an article detailing significant changes in the official representation of the Government in the international arena. The resolution, approved on May 24, 2024, presents significant modifications in the design of the logo and the national coat of arms, as well as in the selection of official languages for their placement abroad.

The most notable change is the decision to switch the background color used in the Government's external representation from yellow to blue. This measure aims to confer a more autonomous and distinctive image on the international stage. Likewise, white has been selected for the official shield, ensuring better visibility and contrast with the new blue background.

Additionally, the two official languages of Zavidia, Spanish and Dutch, have been chosen to be placed above the official shield in the government's representation abroad. This measure aims to ensure clear and accessible communication with the international community, as well as to showcase Zavidia's linguistic diversity.

Alejandro Martínez, El Camarada del Mundo®, 05/24/2024

Zavidia changes its national flag

The government of Zavidia has decided to change its national flag, slightly centering the coat of arms.

The Official State Bulletin of Zavidia announced today, May 8, 2024, a change in the national flag of the project and micronation. The resolution was approved after a long debate held between the 6th and the 8th and was finally ratified by an absolute majority in the project team, cabinet, and assembly.

The new flag features a slightly centered coat of arms, giving it greater importance, as well as an improved aesthetic, as it will be visible on any mast or pole.

In addition to the change in the flag, the resolution included proposals for the variation of different national symbols, such as the National Police and various passport stamps.

The flag will be adopted today, May 8, 2024, after being ratified and approved by the courts and the king.

Alejandro Martínez, El Camarada del Mundo®, 05/08/2024


Zavidia changes its National Coat of Arms

Today, March 30, 2024, Zavidia has taken a significant step by announcing the change to its national emblem. The iconic “plus ultra” phrase has been replaced by the national motto “De Parvis Grandis Acervus Erit”, which translates as “The great are nourished by small things.” Symbolizing the great wealth and advances that the nation is expected to generate despite its small beginning and size. The decision has been welcomed by the team, which sees in this update an affirmation of national identity and a symbol of Zavidia's future.

Alejandro Martínez, El Camarada del Mundo®, 3/30/2024

Zavidia trusts a couple of prestigious musicians to compose his national anthem

The Kingdom of Zavidia has announced a collaboration with two renowned musicians to compose its national anthem. This pair of talented artists, known for their outstanding performances at the prestigious Filmoteca de Catalunya and before the majestic audience of the King of Spain, have been selected for this momentous task.

Furthermore, both musicians are frequently hired by city councils, prominent figures and various film archives throughout Europe, demonstrating their ability to captivate and excite different audiences of all kinds. Zavidia is confident that the experience and creativity of these musicians will result in a national anthem that accurately reflects the kingdom's identity and values.

Diego Córdoba, El Camarada del Mundo®, 3/18/2024

Zavidia maintains a minute of silence in tribute to the victims of 11M

In an emotional gesture of solidarity and respect, Zavidia joined in a minute of silence in commemoration of the victims of the March 11 attacks. This act symbolized the nation's deep commitment to the values ​​of memory and empathy, remembering those who lost their lives in such tragic events. Active participation at this moment of reflection underlines the importance Zavidia places on compassion and remembrance, showing solidarity both nationally and internationally.


This event pays tribute to both the European Day for Victims of Terrorism and the victims of the Madrid attacks of March 11, 2004, also known as 11M, were a series of terrorist attacks in Madrid, Spain. Ten bombs exploded on four commuter trains at different stations in the city, killing 191 people and leaving more than 1,800 injured. This tragic event shocked Spain and the world, marking a day of deep pain. The attacks were carried out by a jihadist cell linked to Al-Qaeda.


Alejandro Martínez, El Camarada del Mundo®, 3/11/2024

Zavidia and the Commonwealth of Novo-Erecteutolectrocia Strengthen Ties with a New Treaty of Cooperation and Friendship

In a historic event that marks a milestone in international relations, Zavidia and the Commonwealth of Novo-Erecteutolectrocia have sealed a comprehensive cooperation treaty. The agreement covers several fundamental areas that seek to strengthen ties and promote mutual development between both countries.

General Cooperation: The treaty establishes a firm commitment by both nations to foster general cooperation in areas of common interest. It is hoped that this holistic approach will allow the implementation of joint policies and projects that benefit both populations.

Cultural and Educational Cooperation: In an effort to promote cultural and educational exchange, Zavidia and Novo-Erecteutolectrocia agreed to collaborate closely on academic exchange programs, joint cultural events and shared educational projects. This initiative seeks to strengthen cultural ties between the two nations.

Scientific and Technical Cooperation: Both countries are committed to sharing scientific and technological knowledge, promoting joint research and technology transfer. This pillar of the treaty seeks to enhance scientific and technical advances for mutual benefit.

Environmental Protection and Urban Planning: In a crucial gesture towards sustainability, the treaty jointly addresses environmental issues and urban planning. Zavidia and Novo-Erecteutolectrocia will work hand in hand to implement sustainable environmental practices and planned urban development strategies.

Agricultural Cooperation: With the aim of promoting food security and agricultural development, both countries agree to collaborate on joint agricultural projects, exchange of sustainable agricultural practices and the development of innovative agricultural technologies.

Information Cooperation: The effective exchange of information is vital in the modern era, and the treaty establishes active collaboration in this area. We will seek to share knowledge, data and relevant information to strengthen the capabilities of both nations.

Government Collaboration: Zavidia and Novo-Erecteutolectrocia will work together to improve their respective government systems. The collaboration will include exchange of experiences, training and joint development of policies to strengthen governance.

This treaty represents a significant step towards a future of collaboration and shared prosperity between Zavidia and Novo-Erecteutolectrocia. The areas of cooperation outlined in this agreement open a promising path for joint development and building a lasting bond based on mutual respect and effective collaboration.


Alejandro Martínez, El Camarada del Mundo®, 3/2/2024

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